Accredited Trainer with Jennifer Zamecki
The Accredited Trainer live webinar series is an “Ask the Expert” program designed to give Talent Acquisition Professionals, HR Professionals, Trainers & Consultants access to a MASTER Interpreter of the “talent selection and development” assessments.
WRC expert has over 25 years of assessment experience with both small & large companies. Jennifer has coached thousands of Executives to peak performance. These live webinar classes are broken down into 2–30 minute segments. In the first 30 minutes, you’ll receive industry expert insights from the Master Interpreter. In the second 30 minutes, you’ll participate in the group's Q&A session, where you’ll get answers to some of your toughest questions about interpreting the various assessments.
3 Programs available with 3 packages per program. Click on the program name to see details of what is included in the class you are interested in and to purchase:​
Motivators/Driving Forces
Packages for each program:
Level 1 - $697.00
Level 2 - $997.00
Level 3 - $1497.00
Who Will Benefit?
The people who benefit most frequently, work within organizations to develop and manage the performance of great people. That being said, these clients apply the assessment tools and their trainer knowledge to division heads, frontline managers, middle managers and senior leaders to name just a few – all of whom benefit.
Internal Professionals:
Human Resources
Organizational Development
Learning and Development
External Professionals:
Coaches & Consultants​
Monthly Power Hour Office Hour Calls: WRC will be conducting Monthly Hour Power Calls. All calls will be recorded for participants only. If you can’t make a call, you can email me your questions ahead of time, & I will answer them. This is included in any of our packages (levels 1-3) for clients only.
“I found this training to be super worthwhile not only for myself but I can see the application with my team. I also like having the knowledge and the tools to grow in some identified areas to increase my own EQ.
I liked the structure and found the class easy to follow. The recordings were super helpful as well.”
Elizabeth Heisey, Special Agent in Charge
“It was an "eye opener" to actually see and hear the accuracy of my behavioral styles both natural and adapted. It's a great class if you are willing to learn more about your behavior and those of others in an effort to improve how you communicate with others.”
~ Mid-level Manager
“The EQ training was an amazing experience.”
Clarissa Barnes, Training and Development
“You can’t afford not to take these seminars if you want to be a successful leader in our organization.
The EQ training provides information and strategies that focus on the need and relevance for self-awareness as the basis of enhancing our EQ.
The training provides strategies that allow us to grow, maintain positive and healthy relationships, and have a positive impact on our personal and professional lives.”
Michael Cucciardo, Training & Development Manager