How well do you know the people in your office? Chances are, you know a lot about them. Perhaps you have worked with them for years, have met their families, or even go to lunch together regularly. But do you know how your office mates prefer to be communicated with? Do you understand the intricacies of their profiles and how best to interact with them- to match their specific DISC type? It is safe to assume that your coworker don't have a chart on their wall to indicate how best to address them. Which is where DISC comes in.* DISC is the most widely used behavioral assessment tool around the world, adopted by organizations to improve teamwork and understand different communication styles. This highly regarded methodology outlines the four most common communication styles, how these traits effect behavior, and how this influences people both professionally and personally. Because of its keen ability to uncover hidden talents, streamline communication, and create a more harmonious workforce, many forward-thinking organizations choose to provide their employees with a full DISC assessment. This helps unlock the dominant traits found within an organization, and gives the workforce important context clues that can be used to avoid conflict, maximize efficiency, and ultimately drive results. Even if your organization has not provided your team with a thorough DISC assessment, a general understanding of the four DISC types can help you engage more positively with your fellow coworkers or boss. Typically, we assume that people want to be engaged with the same way that we do. But actually, the four DISC profiles prefer to be communicated with in starkly different fashions. Once your unique DISC profile is unveiled, you can dive further info the intricate science that helps you become a more persuasive, understanding, and effective communicator. Let’s explore some general DISC traits associated with ‘high’ level DIS and C personalities: D: Dominance really speaks to how we respond to problems or challenges. Dominance, as a DISC style, can be come across as angry or impatient, and is usually characterized by directness. Dominant types prioritize results, are driven, and move forward with a clear path in mind. They can oftentimes be found in positions of power- such as management, leadership roles, or any position where they can be in charge. I: Influence refers to how we influence and relate to people and contacts. Influence, as a DISC style, can often be trusting and optimistic and can sometimes be disorganized or indirect. Influencers tend to be extroverted and people-oriented, they are the ‘cheerleader’ of the group. They prefer to interact, communicate, and socialize. They tend to be overly positive and lack attention to detail. High I’s are often found in positions where they get to directly engage with others, can be a direct influence on those around them, and don’t have to focus too much on details or paperwork. S: Steadiness is how you respond to pace and consistency. Steadiness, as a DISC style, can often be reserved, patient, and cooperative. Steadiness is introverted and people-oriented. They are focused on working together as a team to accomplish a task. They may also fear change and be indecisive in their attempt to be cooperative. They are also very loyal, and enjoy helping others. C: Compliance is how we respond to procedures and constraints. Compliance, as a DISC style, can often be fearful and sometimes be critical and direct. Compliance is introverted, very reserved and task-oriented. High C’s are your IT staff, your researchers, and fact finders. They may have a hard time disconnecting from the technical and exact, and might prioritize details over feelings. Do you know anyone like the D,I,S or C described above? If you do, how do you normally interact with them? It is important to remember how people like to be engaged with, rather than just how we like to engage. For instance, high D’s are known as individuals who can sometimes overlook the ‘soft touch’ preferred by some other personalty types, like high I and S individuals. Their preference for no nonsense, direct communication and a clear path of action may come off as gruff or rude. Conversely, a high I’s desire to incorporate social chatter and positive conversation into a business meeting with a High D might come off as superfluous and disorganized. Both individuals may be prone to prioritize their preferred communication style over each others, which can end up in disagreements and fragmented communication. Just as each individual personality has a preference for how they like to be talked to, each personalty must also learn how to communicate with the other styles in order to truly be an effective and well-rounded communicator. For instance, your high D boss may need to keep each of his individual employees in mind if he wants to promote a strong team environment and keep his employees motivated. He may need to soften his approach when dealing with this team in order to get the successful results he ultimately seeks. For his 'I' employees, this may mean slowing down to engage with them on a more personal level. For his 'S' employees, he may trade in his normal direct form of communication for one that is more focused, slowly paced, and sincere. For his high 'C' employees, he can provide them with the data they desire to feel more grounded in their decision making, and keep their need for detail and order in mind. On the other hand, in order for your High D boss to value the work you do and value your contribution, consider shifting your natural style to mirror that which he would prefer to see. For instance, if you are a high ‘I’, consider keeping your personal chatter to a minimum, and arrive to a meeting more focused and decisive. For ’S’ individuals, don't let your boss overpower you, and try to act faster than you would naturally. For 'C’s, stick to high points of interest rather than getting stuck in the minutia, and remember that results (rather than process) are what he really appreciates. Knowing where you fall in the 4 DISC quadrants is really just the first step in unlocking this fascinating and powerful science. Few people are just ‘one’ kind of profile, but rather a mix of the four. For instance, you might be a high performing D with a love for supporting data (C), or a bubbly 'I' who spends their time caring for others (S). But discovering who you are really does open the door to being an informed and courteous communicator, which can lead to a lifetime of success both personally and professionally.