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Successful Teens

Do you want your teen to have better results in school and social situations? Advance your child’s development and set them up for long-term success by partnering with Well-Run. 

Well-Run will coach your teen to success by administering a full battery of assessments that will provide you and your teen with the insights and action steps on how to be successful in school and life.This program was designed for parent(s) and their teens(14 –21).

One power hour per month for a minimum of six months is required. In addition to the power hour of coaching, you will receive tips in the off weeks to keep the progress moving.

4 Assessments

DISC Assessment-insights into your behavior and character profile

MOTIVATORS Assessment – the secret sauce to performing at your highest level

SKILLS Assessment –know your skill strengths

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE–strengthen leadership skills

Expert coaching (25 years of experience) on the DISC science

(6) 90 min. sessions = 1 call per month 

Recordings of all session

Taisia Grissom

My Experience >


I decided to invest in a "success coach" for my teen because I didn't understand why sometimes he was a top performer, and sometimes he was not. The ability was there; it just wasn't consistent. I needed help understanding his drivers and motivators, so as parents, I could help coach him to be a consistent performer socially and academically. Jennifer's Success Coaching for Teens program has helped my son better understand himself, and it’s helped me, as a parent, better understand him. This clarity has changed the way I communicate with him, and it's changed the way he thinks about his talents and gifts. He is well on his way to being a consistent top performer.

Contact Us Now to Learn More  |  Tel: 877-566-2900

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